I just had my first MC gig using the Global Event Talent platform and wow. It’s a game-changer. G.E.T. is an online platform that directly connects clients with talent and it’s free to have your profile on it. Deal Direct with the Client – No Middle Person On...
This wonderful short documentary explores the world of adult LEGO – director Daniel Bourke. Ages 4-99 is not hyperbole. In the 24 hour Bad / Fake news environment, it is a pertinent reminder that to build something physical and stay connected creatively to your...
Being GenX, I didn’t think I’d see this monumental change in my lifetime: so many brave women standing up and saying #MeToo in our own version of ‘I’m Spartacus!’ Â Like a French revolutionary, I’m in the front row at the guillotine, gleefully tucking into cake as...