I got an email  from Jip de Beer’s Rapping Reviews and it said:

As part of my Rapping.Reviews art project I have quoted the following part from your IMDb review of I’m Still Here: “That’s bad.”.

I thought it would be fun to make a rhyme with it! Hence I picked a second phrase from a review of I’m Still Here which rhymes to “bad”. I actually let the computer do this automatically and the result is a rhyming computer generated rap battle review of I’m Still Here, of which you are the co-writer! I’ve obviously given you credit for writing your part of the lyrics. You can check out the rap battle music video, starring your sentence, here.

I’ve actually quoted you more than once. In total you’ve been quoted in 2 rap battles.

These are the other raps in which I’ve quoted from your reviews:  Red Dog – “This dog made Che Guevara look like he didn’t give it his best shot.”