Well, kind of.
There is the colloquial word ‘geniuses’ or the proper word ‘genii’ which just looks like an autcorrect fail.
I wanted to find out because my next question is:
How many geniuses does it take to change a mind?
The answer is – about 6.
On May 16, the first ever Genius Of Social Engagement event was held in Sydney. And 6 intriguing people steering 6 very different businesses stepped up to share their social media experiences.
If you have been working with social media for a while, you wonder if seminars like this will simply re-affirm what you already know or give you something truly new.
This one did more than that.
We got great insights and the latest examples of what works and what doesn’t work from some major players such as Australia Post, City Of Sydney, deviantART, Booktopia, Hootsuite, Funbox and Allied Publishers.
The brave thing these companies did was show us the machinations of how they did it – overcoming some hellish obstacles and at times, working against an avalanche of hate from the community at large.
If you think you are up against some old ideas in your industry – try getting one of the oldest public services in the country to see things from a digital point of view and move them forward. Imagine Australia Post is a real-life dinosaur and you handed it an ipad.
The other great surprise with this event was the 1 hour earlier finish time which deliberately allowed people to have a drink, chat and connect. New ideas and new partnerships were forged.
This was the first of ‘The Genius Of…’ series of seminars and the organisers – Allied Publishers are already thinking about the focus of future events.
If you are in Melbourne, you can find details for The Genius Of Social Engagement here – scroll down for the Melbourne event’s agenda, location and contact details for rsvp and registration.
Looking forward to the next one 🙂