explicit language | sexual references | poor singing | improper use of a nursery rhyme |
violent threats | repeated sexism | vile racism   

At the end of this blog are the ravings of someone who took too many crazy pills and decided to phone me.

It’s a bad joke to say having a stalker is the ‘new black’ but what I like about that throw-away line is it knocks some of the stuffing out of the stalking. 

It reduces him / her to an accessory – something you can choose to take on or choose to leave off.  

If only it was that simple.  

When I had my first onslaught of deranged voice messages, the Kings Cross detectives sorted it.

The nutjob left a name and phone number in one of the messages.  

So one of the detectives rang him. 

An old man answered the phone. 

The detective asked him if he was Robbie. 

The old man said no. 

His name was Robert. 

But he had a son called Robbie.

Robbie got on the phone. 

The detective asked him if he’d phoned me multiple times. 

He said, ‘nah.  I never done it!  I never rung nobody!’

We all recognized his voice. 

The detective asked him if he’d ever been in trouble with the police.

He said, ‘nah!  Nuh!  No way!  Not me!  I never done nuthin’!’

Robbie was fibbing.

His rap sheet was repetitive with words such ‘assault’ ‘deadly weapon’ ‘resist arrest’ and various drugs you don’t need a prescription to get – just a local dealer.

Robbie didn’t ring me again.  

Here’s 8-9 minutes of his crazed crap that I may or may not use in a story – I haven’t decided.  It would be interesting to juxtapose different images create a different meaning.  A project for another day 🙂

Friends are divided.  Some think he’s funny.  Others do not.

He saves his ‘best joke’ for the end.

explicit language | sexual references | poor singing | improper use of a nursery rhyme |
violent threats | repeated sexism | vile racism 

youtube won’t play it – I’ll try something else – stay tuned